Transcript :
Hello and welcome to the first ever Bible study with New Saint & Company.
My name is April Marie and I'm your host today we're going to talk about Bible study for your vision as it is January so a lot of people are planning or already plan their year but maybe the vision isn't there yet or maybe you got this vision from God years ago and you're like I think I'm ready I'm finally ready but God help because I don't know what I should be doing right now so I'm just really excited to get to this get to this with you because I'm one of those people who have God gave me a vision a while back and I'm like are you sure this one's for me like okay anyways let's get to it we're going to start an open prayer there is one on the screen for you to read as well I'm gonna kinda read that but I'm kinda Might Veer off you know because I try to let Holy Spirit do his thing.
I found lately I was doing really repetitive prayers and I know better than that so I just ask Holy Spirit to guide as we pray we open up this with the prayer today so Father we come to you in the name of Jesus we thank you for your son and his Precious Blood and we thank you that you've opened up our eyes today and you've given us the ability to not only speak but to worship and praise you. We thank you that our hearts are open and our minds are open to you and your word today. We thank you that you continuously give us mercy and Grace so that we may be able to not only reflect on the things of our past but also make the adjustment and move forward in the things you have for us. We thank you for taking care of us and being our joy in the times that we don't know where else to go or else to look for um we ask you today and we're knocking on this door of the new things you have for us and we're asking you to open up Father we're seeking your Word, we're seeking your vision for us Father and we're asking you to come to to us with Clarity and courage so that we can move forward in the things you have. We thank you that you've already done it for us and everything that you have for us is already laid out in the spirit realm. Father God but we're just calling it into to fruition so we can see it right here on Earth as it is in heaven. And we thank you that you've given us the opportunity to come together today and to really relish in your presence and really receive what you are hoping to say to us and hoping for us to hear and Holy Spirit we just ask that you just guide us and make it clear to our ears make everyone in this room who comes in contact with this video understand the vision that you have for them make it clear make it plain make it so bright in our faces that it can't be missed. Oh Father we thank you that you're going to do it for us and that it's already done in Jesus name amen.
All right guys here if you see I broke down the opening prayer as to why we prayed these things and we did not repent I'm sorry Father father we repent we repent for being slow to te your word if you spoken to us in the past we repent for being I don't want to say UND diligent but not diligent with doing our work that you may have given us and we just ask that you forgive us for those things and we know you already forgive us but we're just asking so we and ourselves can know that we are forgiven and um we're just grateful for the opportunity to come before you and really receive this um back to what I was saying these are the these are scripture based prayers we have to base our prayers on scripture or else they don't work we may think they're working but you're not getting the fullness of God if you don't use scripture and um you might be getting you know the sprinkle sprinkle but we would love I want to rain on me I want to feel um what I've heard last year was Torrance of favor I want to feel the Torrance of favor running over me I don't want to maybe there's a sprinkle here and a Sprinkle there like I want my whole life to reflect that God is my Father and that he's a good good father and that he's merciful and kind and I want others to receive that as well um yeah we're going to go on to what to expect um yes you see the nice wrecking ball there because listen y'all when we get into our expectations of what God is going to do some he's going to wreck them he is going to wreck the vision he thought you had for yourself and he's going to show you the vision that he has for you and so we need a Divine Vision we need to um see its purpose and we're going to see it through some lives and scriptures we'renot going to go too deep I'm just going to give you some scripture you can go off and read it on your own um then we're going to Discover Vision via hubac
cook we're just going to go through chapter one today and then part two and three will go chapter two and chapter
three I want to break this down I want it to be less than 30 minutes I want you to get in get out but really understand and he the word of God today um then
you're going to make it personal and I need to correct those words that that's great okay we're going
to make it personal and um yeah we're going to leave it God is good and then
we're going to reflect on what to um what we've learned and also what to expect in the next session so really
here we go you probably came because you saw this in the magazine or you saw it on my page um here we go the definition
of vision and um the Oxford languages that you know when you type it into Google right away it pops up and this
says vision The Faculty or state of being able to see the ability to think
about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom and if you know
you know that wisdom comes from God and wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord
so that is always where we start is with knowing God is in control that it's got nothing to do with us like we may fail a
million times but God is going to continue to use us especially if we
continue to have a repentant heart towards who we've been and being willing
to come to him strong concordance tells us that the Hebrew word is h23 H2 377
it's hazan and it is a sight a dream a revelation or Oracle um Vision a static
state vision of the night you can have an open Vision you can have a vision of the night you can have a dream um
there's all kinds of ways to receive a vision from God he can make just speak the vision to you but I think it's
pretty cool when he like shows you a little something something um so here just a couple scriptures there's um
Genesis 15 where he's talking to Abraham and he tells him I'm your Shield your reward will be very great in numbers 12
he I don't remember who he's talking to to be honest with you but he tells them hear my words if a prophet is among you
I the Lord will make myself known to him a vision I speak with him in a
dream um um and Amos 3:7 of course he's talking Amos here and he says for God
does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets that's not necessarily talking about
Vision but what do prophets get Visions right they receive words from the Lord
so they're because prophets are considered like his servants and his friends they get the secrets of the Lord
and we can all be our own prophets um if we sit and the Lord will speak to us on
his own we don't need to go through anybody else or receive prophe Rey from anybody else in order to receive a
vision from God he gives it directly to us and if you haven't prayed that prayer
I suggest you do it you don't God talk to me like it's cool if you send confirmation but talk to me I want to
confirm that I'm hearing from you I want a relationship with you I want to be your servant I want to do what you've
asked me to do I want to hear you clearly help me Lord God help Romans 10
will tell us if anybody who says God help God comes to help God help okay and
of course habaka which we're not going to get a chapter two today but this is where every new year they talk about this every year every year any chur you
go to they'll talk about right the vision make it plain um yes so he who
sees it may run with it and the vision is for an appointed time and even though it doesn't look like it's coming or it
hastens to it it will not lie if it seems slow wait for it for it will surely come it will not DeLay So why
does it say delay even though it looks like if you read another version it's like Terry for it which Terry kind of means like
delay but it won't Terry it is like what I think it's King Chasers I was like
what you mean it's delayed but it won't be delayed um it means it's in God's timing like it's he's going to do it
don't you worry pray a little hard about it you just keep praying and praising and worshiping him and he's going to take care of it for you and whatever he
tells you to do do it and that's from someone who's been disobedient before is not fun just get it done okay worry is
not for us discovering our vision we're going to jump right into this this is habaka 1 he says justice is a joke the
problem as God gave habaka to see it God how long do I have to cry out for
help before you listen how many times do I have to yell Mur help murder police
before you come to the rescue why do you force me to look at evil stare trouble in the face day after day Anarchy and
violence break out quarrels and fights all over the place Law and Order Fall to
Pieces Justice is a joke the wicked have the righteous hamstrung and stand
Justice on its head
now if you lived in America if you live in any part of the world right now you will see that there's Justice and Injustice is happening every which way
and it looks like God's not doing anything and that could be frustrating for us so what do we do we seek God so
in order to receive our vision we must seek God if you looked at this right here it said the problem as God gave
habac to see it you think God doesn't see what you see you think he doesn't even see it how
you see he has yes he his um ways are not our ways so he sees it from a
different perspective but he can also see it from your perspective how you see it he knows your heart he knows exactly
how you see it and so here you are crying out for the vision so in order to
receive our vision we must seek
God God how long will you do I have to cry out before you
help so make it personal how many times have you cried out to God about the same situation oh over and over and
over like you're seeing the same thing every single day maybe you've had financial problems every single day for
years now maybe you've had um problems with health every single day for years
maybe family maybe it could be so many things but what are you right now experiencing what is God giving you to
see it what problems that cuz that's your burden that's where you're helping at that's where your mission is that's
where the vision is right because you're envisioning something new I want to say make this
real quick but I yesterday was Martin Luther King day I was out getting IA
quick trip and this man just comes up to me and starts talking talking about how Dr King was for everybody he was older white gentleman Dr King was for
everybody he's Dr King was for everybody I like yeah he was you know was really great and she he's like yeah I didn't
know that I thought he was just for black people I didn't know he was for right people too and I was like yeah you just wanted you know everyone to get
along in equality and peace and um he he's like yeah my dad was mad when they
made Martin Luther King Day a day off and I want to say 1980 he said I said oh that's you know sorry and so he's still
going um and you know I kind of try to get my sneak my way out of there because I really didn't need to be there any
longer and so you know tell them have a great day and I go get in the car and I'm driving home and I'm remembering
this Vision God gave to me one day when I was praying years ago now like three or four years ago now I was on my knees
praying and I just remember seeing the cross and seeing different people rotating on the cross not rotating like
spinning but you know like different faces like I remember for sure seeing Gandhi and Martin Luther King and I'm sure there were other people there I
just didn't recognize their faces but that was a moment for me to go whoa like God is really like you know showing
me that Jesus Took the place for all our sins on the cross but also when I say
Martin Luther King and why I bring him up in this this space is because he was crying out his burden his purpose was to
he wanted equality he wanted to see it it and that was a burden that was placed on his heart that he fought for and so
he may have not seen it but he planted that seed and now his children see it and his children's children have seen
the U even his wife got to see the change in our nation for equality and so
God may give you a purpose a vision and you might not see it right now but that doesn't mean it's not on
its way okay all right God responds yes if
you call out to God he's going to respond to you so let's see what he says here to habac look around at the Godless
Nations look long and hard brace yourself for a shock something is about to take place and you're going to find
it hard to believe I'm about to raise up Babylonians to punish you Babylonians
Fierce and ferocious World conquering Babylon grabbing up Nations right and
left a dreadful and terrible people making up its own rules as it goes their
horses run like the wind attack like bloodthirsty wolves a stampede of
galloping horses Thunders out of nowhere they descend like vultures circling in
on Carion they're out to kill death is on their minds they look excuse me they
collect victims like squirrels Gathering nuts they mock Kings poke fun at generals spit on Forts and leave them in
the dust they'll all be blown away by the wind Brazen and sin they call
strength their God so something else we see here in order to receive a vision
from God receive our vision from God we must listen because he said look and we must believe God you're going to find it
hard to believe but you have to choose to believe so what has God shown you or
told you is going to happen and you are having a hard time
believing it what is that is it a business idea is given to you is it a family is the birth of a child what is
it that God has given you excuse me didn't not have that alarm going on um
what is it that God has given you that you've found it hard to
believe and I challenge you today to choose to believe okay and also here we
are he's talking about the Babylonians he's raising up the Babylonians to punish us now if you know anything about
the Bible you know that Israel um they were some disobedient kids over and over
again so God had to hand them over to the enemy to teach them a lesson
basically and um this is who he chose to use people who were ferocious and
conquering and taking up Nations but we're supposed to be running the Nations and yet because of our our um
Disobedience other people are running the the businesses and the industries were supposed to be they're being run by
the Babylonians right now because we are not doing what we're supposed to be doing or maybe someone in your bloodline
didn't do what they supposed to do and maybe you're affected by that there's a lot of things and reasons why we as
Believers aren't conquering Industries and Nations the way we should be part of
it is fear maybe it's because it's we're going to find it hard to believe that that's our job especially when we see
what we saw which is trouble every single day like are you sure this is for us
God all right all right and here habac is
confused uh we're going to get right into number three it says why is God silent now God you're from eternity
aren't you holy God we aren't going to die are we God you choose you chose Babylonians
for your judgment work Rock solid God you gave them the job of discipline but
you can't be serious you can't condone evil so why don't you do something about
this why are you silent now this outrage evil men swallow up the righteous and
you stand around and watch hup is oops and he's confused like he's questioning
like aren't you the god of Eternity like I'm praying to the right God right
like what's up what's happening here um 14-6 you're treating men and women as so
many fish in the ocean swimming without Direction swimming but not getting
anywhere and this evil Babylonian arrives and goes fishing and he pulls a
good catch he catches his limit and fills his
bucket a good day of fishing he's happy he Praises his rod and his real piles
his fishing gear on an altar and worships it it's made his day and he's
going to eat well tonight in order to receive our vision
we must take Direction
now I say this because it says right here that these
men and women are swimming around without Direction and they're not getting water it's not that they don't have Direction God gave them Direction
They G he gave them the law he gave them what to do but they refused so what are
they doing they're swimming without Direction they're going one way to God they're coming back around to the world because of because because you see
they're worried about what something else got going on you notice that they're talking about well I saw that Babylonian pull up and he got fish he
full and not only is that he's dancing he's putting his rod and his re on the altar he's worshiping his rod and his re
he's worshiping what he received he's not worshiping you God he's worshiping this
so they're you know they're the men and women are swimming around they're confused they're going the direction they're not following God they're not
taking direction from what God has told them to do and running with it and going straight for it going straight at
it are you confused are you swimming in circles not getting anywhere are you going in the direction of God or you
going in the direction of man did God tell you to do something and then someone else said that doesn't
sound like a great idea and then you just say oh acting as if God did give you that Vision already you know what
I'm saying as if God didn't say it to you why are you confused if you are
maybe you're not maybe you're like I've been doing what God said I'm going in the vision I'm doing the things and yet here I am I don't know why and
so it's too easy to be
confused we have to choose to follow God remember we choose to listen and believe
so that we can take the direction that he's getting ready to give us you even ask you see all this evil happening
around us you see all these corporations making money off of you you see that the
um excuse me you see that uh God help the price of food is
going up you see that corporations are buying all the houses you see what's
happening and you're like God why aren't you doing anything you see the evil here
why are we watching evil happen you you're the god of Eternity aren't
you like you're going to leave us here to die with what they're doing you're letting these evil people be Judgment of
our character of who we are and what we're building because what how God you see the evil
you see it and we see evil winning so we're getting so
like what's happening here so I don't want want you
to be confused be concerned
be distracted by what you see happening because it looks like they're winning
right but back um um section that we just went through I'll come back for you
right here it says they'll all be blown away by the wind just like that gone it's windy in
our city right now but they all be blown away by the wind Brazen and sin they call God their strength they Idol
worshippers right here they're Idol worshippers they're worshiping their strength right here he's worshiping his
fishing gear he they are Idol worshippers and if you know God you know he detests Idol worshippers he's the one
and true only God that you should be worshiping so don't you worry what you
see because that is not what God has for you there's a
vision he's trying to give you but you're so distracted with everything else in front of you that you can't take the time to breathe to pause to seek God
so you can receive your vision if you don't have a vision for your life right now if you feel lost if you feel confused if you feel like everyone's
winning and I'm here I love God everyone's winning and I'm still
here go back and see God again ask him for that Vision God renew and clarify
your vision for me help me see it clear help me know the first step the first
step is to believe listen and then believe okay and then take the direction he's
giving you do not do not be hindered do not be worried do not be frightened by
what he's given you because it'll be big if it's small it's not from him I mean he might tell you to do something small
to get started because we're not we don't spice Small Beginnings but he is going to give you a vision he told
Abraham I will give you as many children as the sand and the Sea the stars in the sky you think Abraham Abraham's Al
babies no we're still living off his blessings know the
vision so here we are making it personal I just got with you what are the
problems that you're having what are the things that you're facing that are frustrating you that are causing you to
se God and are they causing you to seek God or are they causing you to cry to God are they causing you
to be um what's the word I'm looking for distraught and in despair rather than
being in a decision of you know what God this is awful I could agree with you
right now this sucks help me help me see what you really have here help me see
why we see this destruction help me see why we see these things happening because the vision that you may have for
yourself that you thought you wanted that you thought you needed that all the things that you thought may not even be
what God ever had for you maybe the world kept telling you oh you're this oh you're that so you started grasping at
things that they said you were good at but did you sit with God so he can tell you what you're good at so he can tell
you what you're used for how he made you what you made you for before he formed you in your mother's womb Jeremiah 15
before he f f formed you in your mother's womb he already had a plan for you he knew what he wanted to do with
you and so you need to seek your creator you need to seek the father so you can see what is the vision he has for you if
you have not done that that is the first thing you need to do then once he tells
you you have to believe him we're making it personal so if he's already showed you you've already done step one
brilliant if you haven't brilliant it's time it's time step
two what has he already showed you or told you that you have not believed that you've had a hard time believing it's
time to get to it and if you're confused about it go back to them again go back to your Journal cuz I hope you're
writing things down whenever he talks to you go back to your Journal read it again say holy spirit clarify Holy
Spirit make it clear to me make what is my next step I I got off track somewhere I Repent I got off track somewhere I wasn't paying attention I wasn't
listening I was worried I was scared I thought about my provision rather than than all the things that you've already
shown me that you've done for me I got off track I got distracted and
I need your help to get back on track Holy Spirit help me show me
and then go directly in the direction that they've given take Direction so what to reflect on in order
to receive our vision we must seek God in order to receive our vision we must listen and believe God and in order to
receive our vision we must take Direction it has to be done you cannot
just expect that God's going to give you a vision and then poof it's going to pop up and
you're here and you're there and you're living in it he's is going to give you Direction on how to receive and Achieve that Vision I also want you to look up the
word receive it's not on here but I want you to do it
um meditate expect what do I expect what do you expect I expect you to meditate on habaka one read it again uh take them
make it personal questions and read them again write out the answers make this situation make kaka's Journey personal
to you and what you're going through right now and then I want you to go ahead and jump ahead of us and pre-read habaka or habac to
um maybe he gave you the vision because we just talked about it maybe you cried out for the vision maybe he gave it to you so he's going to tell you write it
down make it plain so he who sees it may run with it so you who sees it may run with
it but as you're reading habca 2 two or two chapter 2 I want you to go and I
want you to review the what destroys an Empire what
is God going to do to destroy an Empire because right now maybe you built a business but you built it on faulty
ground maybe you haven't built a business and he's wrecking everything in your life CU you just received him you
said I love you God thank you all these things and then your life went to like total chaos and destruction
because if you've ever chosen to follow God you've probably been there I know I have like I thought everything was going
great and all of a sudden I was like but I thought I followed Jesus and everything was just like but he's just
wrecking everything so he can give you a good foundation could check your foundation and so just be prepared for
things to go wrong so that you can see the burdens that he actually placed on you to go
great um that's it we're going to close this thing out in prayer we want to thank you for checking out the library
today it's open 247 this is one of the first Productions you'll see in there but I'm really
excited to get it full and get it archived going so that you guys can really just dive in and get into the
grace and the presence of God and continue to learn his word and use it for practical application I we want to close out in prayer and and then we will
see you on part two so father God I thank you for this time that we've spent together today I thank you that this
love that we've shared today and showing up in your presence we thank you that your word Your Glory your oil is all
over this thing and that we can continue to show up so that you can be glorified
and worship in the process of us using these practical everyday steps in order to fulfill the vision that you've given
us oh Father we thank you that the ones who have not received Vision yet will receive an ASAP that the clar will come
to the ones who've already received their Vision but maybe they got distracted or distraught about it father God we know that you are the one who is
our provider we thank you for being our healer we thank you for being our Holy
Holy Holy Ground whenever we don't know what to do how to do or when to do father we thank you for Holy Spirit that
he's always within us and he's always giving us Direction and ways and imparting new things unto us and so
father we thank you that on our journey today that we have been graced with your
presence and that you are going to be the one to show us this Vision in a way
that we didn't expect it we thank you that you've given us the courage and the clarity today so that we can move forward in the process you've given us
and we thank you for being with us always we thank you for the blood of Jesus and we thank you for his sacrifice
so that we may be made whole and whole and healthy and healed and that Greater Works we will do
than than what Jesus did never be better than Jesus but our works will outnumber
his because we are standing true to your word and we're standing true to what
you've told us we are not fearful because we are fearfully and wonderfully made we are not scared because we are
yours and we abide in the shadow of the almighty thank you for guiding our
steps thank you for making our crooked path straight and thank you forever for
your forgiveness it's in Jesus's mighty name we pray amen all right y I absolutely
love this time and I'm so excited to see you guys again for the next one bye
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